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Contact: Kimym@aol.com For more information regarding Parties or events (Caricatures, Body Art), Tatoo Designs, Logos, Portraits, Wall Murals, Gallery art, or illustration.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Always one foot on the ground.

This color pencil drawing is also in the pen and ink sketch above. Eye spy?

Anatomy rib cage abstraction
Bob Dylan T-Shirt for a friend.

cardboard boxes drawn in charcoal on cardboard, clever? maybe just a little bit, Credit goes out to mr. windsor.

this was a friend's spanish homework assignment that i did for her. I recreated the Three Musicians in Cosmo Magazine clippings. It turned out really cool, too bad the teacher kept it. Steph did get an A though.

Self Portrait

This is my mixed medium self portrait. I individually cut out words that i found interesting or relevant to my personality, past life experiences, and of course (it being made entirely out of newspaper and ink) current events. Though this piece was extremely tedious to carry out i actually found it very relaxing trying to find ways to make the different shades of my own face. I will most definitely try this again sometime soon.

Sketch Book 2010

Cartoon Sketch after a long week of being sick. Thank's Alex Claire for the idea.

Mrs. Rogers
